
Welcome to the Chair for Theoretical Solid State Physics 

The Chair of Theoretical Solid State Physics has been vacant since 10/2022. The interim head is Prof. Dr. Philipp Hansmann. So stay tuned for the new research. On this page you can still find the research projects of Prof. Dr. Martin Eckstein (head of the chair until 09/2022), which he carried out at FAU until 09/2022. If you are interested in Prof. Dr. Martin Eckstein’s further research, you can find him at the University of Hamburg.


We develop theoretical approaches to study the non-equilibrium dynamics of complex quantum systems, both on artificial platforms and in real materials. The aim is to understand the nature of emergent phases in complex materials, and to devise protocols to design and control novel states out of equilibrium.




Bachelor and Master projects  available on request. Applications are welcome!

NESSi, the open source package for numerical simulations based on Keldysh non-equilibrium Green’s functions is finally online: http://nessi.tuxfamily.org

Category: Allgemein